Tuesday 01 January 2008 7:54:30 pm
A perfect solution for a person such as yourself would be one of the following hosted offerings of eZ Publish. http://ez.no/ezpublish/on_demand <i>or</i> http://www.webdealhosting.com/offerings/ez-publish-hosting-solutions/ez-publish-trial-hosting-account If you chose instead <i> any </i> other hosted offering you run a considerably high probable risk that your hosting will fail you in form, function, availability and support. As a generalization it's a fairly safe one to make. Choose a leading vendor to deliver your hosted eZ Publish.
Cheers, Heath
Brookins Consulting | http://brookinsconsulting.com/
Certified | http://auth.ez.no/certification/verify/380350
Solutions | http://projects.ez.no/users/community/brookins_consulting
eZpedia community documentation project | http://ezpedia.org