Thursday 22 May 2003 7:26:54 am
After successfully installing eZ publish and configuring my Apache server to host the new server, I cannot figure out how to tell eZ publish the real path to the virtual host's documents on my machine. Here's my setup: eZ publish ( is located at /Library/WebServer/ezpublish My virtual host ( is located at ~/Sites/host/public_html I configured the [SiteAccessSettings] of site.ini as documented in SDK/Tutorials/Main Concepts:
HostMatchRegexp=^(.+)\.host\.pub$ HostMatchSubtextPost=\.h-force\.pub I created two new folders at /Library/WebServer/ezpublish/settings/siteaccess named 'www' and 'admin' to correspond with the subdomains 'www' and 'admin' as in the mybookstore-example. I created the site.ini.append-files there to override standard settings. is still empty. eZ publish seems to ignore it. How do I point eZ publish to the right folders? Or do I have to manually put something there? And: why do all eZ publish calls present the login-page? My virtual eZ publish server is located at When I call it's the same as I don't understand it. Can anyone please shed light on my installation's shadow? Thank you in advance!