Monday 20 October 2008 1:46:49 am
Hi! I just moved our (old...) expublish installation to a new hosting company because of a switch to php5 by our former hosting company. Everything seems to be working OK, except for uploading images. When I upload an image in the backend it seems to go fine, but the actual uploaded image is 0KB. So no image is actually shown. I check the server functionality by creating a small upload script for images. This seems to be working OK. So that should not be the problem. The ezimagecatalogue/catalogue directory is set to 777 to make sure the right are no problem as well. And this also seems to be OK because an file is written to this directory, although it's 0 KB. Maybe this is a problem with ImageMagic of something? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I believe our version of EzPublish is V2. But I'm not sure. (I just started working here...) Thanks!