Upgrade 3.8.6 -> 3.9.2 - class translation problem

Author Message

Piotrek Karaƛ

Thursday 10 May 2007 1:00:41 am

We've just gone through the upgrade of 3.8.6 to the most recent version. The upgrade path we figured out both suggested and reasonable was: 3.8.6 -> 3.9.0 -> 3.9.2. The initial 3.8.6 installation was a website with <b>3 public siteaccesses</b>, each for one language (<b>pol-PL, eng-US, ger-DE</b>), with one structure, matched by hostname. The classes were <b>only in Polish (pol-PL)</b> naturally.

One of the problems we encounter after the upgrade process is with class management and it seems class translation related. When we try to <b>add</b> or <b>edit</b> a content class, a screen that had never been there before (neither 3.9.2 nor prior versions) shows up, where we are:
- supposed to choose new translation from one of the following: <b>American, German, British</b>
- supposed to choose what it should be based on: <b>Polish or none</b>
The screen looks just like the one that is used when in a multi-language eZ publish installation you create object translations.

1) Was our upgrade path correct? Does anyone have any tested and working path for 3.8.6 upwards upgrade?
<b>2) What could be the described problem? Is that an upgrade bug?</b>

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