still problems with images

Author Message

josp bln

Wednesday 26 March 2003 5:24:36 am


first of all: nice relaunch, nice release!
Hope now the support will also work....

I just installed ez301, without problems, but I still can't see any dynamic images in the demo site and in my testsite. Although I have gd lib and image magick installed.

So I tried the minimal configuration, only with the gd lib:
file settings/image.ini:

file settings/override/image.ini.append.php:

and my whole var directory and all subdirectories are 777.
I use Mac OSX, php 4.3.0 with gd support enabled.

Please help, I allready had this problem with ez 2.9.7, but got no response...


Bård Farstad

Wednesday 26 March 2003 5:26:55 am

Could you enable debug output in site.ini and see if there is printed any errors related to image scaling/conversion?



josp bln

Wednesday 26 March 2003 5:50:03 am

thanks for your fast answer! This did a lot....
sorry i post the whole output, but I am a little bit lost:

eZ debug
Timing: Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Script start
Timing: Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Module start 'content'
Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Missing main operation memento for key: a2113c33b0260c28dfc8f8369f535c77
Debug: Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

cache used #1
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 0 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/output/ezxhtmlxmloutput.php on line 157
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined variable: to_file in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 410
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 410
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 209
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

getimagesize() [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: Read error! in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 216
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 223
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 0 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/output/ezxhtmlxmloutput.php on line 157
Timing: Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Module end 'content'
Notice: eZTSTranslator::load Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Translation cache has expired. Will rebuild it from source.
Warning: ezi18n Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): '%1 front page' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Search %1' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Printable version' with comment()
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined variable: to_file in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 410
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 410
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 209
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

getimagesize() [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: Read error! in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 216
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 223
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Warning: PHP Mar 26 2003 14:46:52

Undefined offset: 0 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/output/ezxhtmlxmloutput.php on line 157
Timing: Mar 26 2003 14:46:52


Kenneth Colwell

Wednesday 26 March 2003 8:15:17 am

I haven't tried disabling convert like Josp but I do seem to be having a similar problem. I'm also using Mac OSX (10.2.4) , php 4.3.0 ('./configure' '--enable-cli' '--with-apxs' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs' '--with-mysql' '--with-pgsql' '--with-gd=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-exif' '--with-xml' '--enable-wddx' '--with-curl=/usr/local' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-xslt' '--with-xslt-sablot=/usr/local' '--with-imap=../imap-2001a' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-dbase' '--with-mcrypt=/usr/local' '--enable-sockets' '--with-ldap' '--with-iodbc' '--with-xpm-dir=no' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-mhash=/usr/local' ) and MYSQL (4.0.12-standard)

From Apache Error Log:
sh: convert: command not found
sh: convert: command not found
sh: convert: command not found
sh: convert: command not found

I have ImageMagick installed at it works correctly from the command line.

From ezPub 3 Error log:

[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:53 ] [] Timing Point: Module start 'content'
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:53 ] [] Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/a/7/2/a72o2K_150x150_213.jpg
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:53 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:53 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:53 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/D/S/N/DSNsUt_150x150_228.jpg
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/N/i/y/NiykNJ_150x150_231.jpg
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/s/P/R/sPRLs6_150x150_234.jpg
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Timing Point: Module end 'content'
[ Mar 26 2003 11:05:54 ] [] Could not load translation file: share/translations/eng-US/translation.ts

From ez Debug:

eZ debug

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Script start

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Module start 'content'

Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Missing main operation memento for key: fc7973afe71c4114a18b51703098d3e7

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

cache used #1

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Exec: convert -geometry "150x150>" var/storage/reference/image//a72o2K.jpg jpg:var/storage/variations/image/a/7/2//a72o2K_150x150_213.jpg, Err: , Ret: 127

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

getimagesize(var/storage/variations/image/a/7/2/a72o2K_150x150_213.jpg) [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

filesize() [<a href=''>function.filesize</a>]: Stat failed for var/storage/variations/image/a/7/2/a72o2K_150x150_213.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 226

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/a/7/2/a72o2K_150x150_213.jpg

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[14]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[45]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[67]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Exec: convert -geometry "150x150>" var/storage/reference/image//DSNsUt.jpg jpg:var/storage/variations/image/D/S/N//DSNsUt_150x150_228.jpg, Err: , Ret: 127

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

getimagesize(var/storage/variations/image/D/S/N/DSNsUt_150x150_228.jpg) [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

filesize() [<a href=''>function.filesize</a>]: Stat failed for var/storage/variations/image/D/S/N/DSNsUt_150x150_228.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 226

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/D/S/N/DSNsUt_150x150_228.jpg

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[14]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[45]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[67]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Exec: convert -geometry "150x150>" var/storage/reference/image//NiykNJ.jpg jpg:var/storage/variations/image/N/i/y//NiykNJ_150x150_231.jpg, Err: , Ret: 127

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

getimagesize(var/storage/variations/image/N/i/y/NiykNJ_150x150_231.jpg) [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

filesize() [<a href=''>function.filesize</a>]: Stat failed for var/storage/variations/image/N/i/y/NiykNJ_150x150_231.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 226

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/N/i/y/NiykNJ_150x150_231.jpg

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[14]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[45]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[67]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Exec: convert -geometry "150x150>" var/storage/reference/image//sPRLs6.jpg jpg:var/storage/variations/image/s/P/R//sPRLs6_150x150_234.jpg, Err: , Ret: 127

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

getimagesize(var/storage/variations/image/s/P/R/sPRLs6_150x150_234.jpg) [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211

Warning: PHP
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

filesize() [<a href=''>function.filesize</a>]: Stat failed for var/storage/variations/image/s/P/R/sPRLs6_150x150_234.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 226

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/s/P/R/sPRLs6_150x150_234.jpg

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[14]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[45]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[67]
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Module end 'content'

Error: eZTSTranslator::load
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

Could not load translation file: share/translations/eng-US/translation.ts

Warning: ezi18n
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): '%1 front page' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Search %1' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n
Mar 26 2003 11:05:54

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Printable version' with comment()

Mar 26 2003 11:05:54


Thanks for all of your help.

Ken C.

josp bln

Wednesday 26 March 2003 4:28:07 pm

I checked and checked and checked again! For two hours meanwhile.
The paths are correct, ImageMagick works, the permissions are correct, gdlib is installed.....

Could you please help me?!


Sander Homs

Thursday 27 March 2003 4:59:17 am

The following errors occur:

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
imagejpeg() [<a href=''>function.imagejpeg</a>]: Unable to open 'jpg:var/storage/reference/image//bqOnp1.jpg' for writing in /vhosts/ on line 184
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 410
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 208
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
getimagesize() [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: Read error! in /vhosts/ on line 210
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 215
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 222
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 27 2003 13:57:47
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get

some variables do not have the right value. Some things do not match and I do not have ImageMagick installed but GD isn't working either!

Please help us.

Thanks in advance,
Sander Homs

Jan Borsodi

Thursday 27 March 2003 7:22:33 am

It seems that PHP 4.3 and 4.3.1 may have some problems with the getimagesize function. Could you try to open the file kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariaton.php. Then look for the following text (they are not adjacent):

$info = getimagesize( $fullPath );
$imgsize = getimagesize ( $refImagename );

Replace them with:

getimagesize( $fullPath, $info );
getimagesize ( $refImagename, $imgsize );

and see if this helps.



josp bln

Thursday 27 March 2003 8:09:18 am

I changed it, cleared the cache, but it's still the old problem.

My html output is this:
<img src="/~joerg/cms/ezpublish301/var/storage/variations/image/p/h/p" width="" height="" hspace="10" align="right" border="1" alt="altTestText" />

but the image is uploaded, i find it in

Thanks Josp

p.s. my the error log is this:

Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute Mar 27 2003 16:53:49

Missing main operation memento for key: dbd947fc89acd5092fdf64dec5bcfad8
Debug: Mar 27 2003 16:53:49

cache used #1
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
imagecreatefromjpeg(var/storage/reference/image//phpB03MFp.jpg) [<a href=''>function.imagecreatefromjpeg</a>]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagegd.php on line 165

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 410

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 210

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
getimagesize() [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: Read error! in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 213

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 218

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined offset: 0 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 222

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 223

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined offset: 1 in /Users/joerg/Sites/cms/ezpublish301/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 225

Error: eZImageVariation Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get

Error: eZImageVariation Mar 27 2003 16:53:49
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get

Sander Homs

Thursday 27 March 2003 2:01:48 pm

Thank you for the tip you gave me. It did not help, i still get the same kind of error's. Here is the debug log:

Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 410
Debug: <lib-ezutils-dir> Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Make dir log with perms 0775
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 208
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
getimagesize() [<a href=''>function.getimagesize</a>]: Read error! in /vhosts/ on line 210
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 215
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined offset: 0 in /vhosts/ on line 219
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 220
Warning: PHP Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined offset: 1 in /vhosts/ on line 222
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Error: eZImageVariation Mar 27 2003 22:56:08
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get

The variable $refImagename is not defined right in line 208.
Maybe does it have something to do with this line:

$refImageFilename = explode( ':', $refImagename);
when i echo $refImagename there is nothing to explode with ':' so maybe there is something wrong

$refImagename = $variationPath . '/' . $additionalPath . '/' . $refImageFilename[ 1 ];

$refImageFilename[ 1 ]; has no value.

Thanks in advance,

Sander Homs

Jan Borsodi

Friday 28 March 2003 3:59:34 am

Could you give some more information on PHP version, PHP extension installed, Operating System etc..

This problems happens on none of the server or installations we have tried so it's very hard to know what is wrong.
From what I can see it must be problem with server setup or PHP version.



Sander Homs

Friday 28 March 2003 6:04:02 am

In answer to your information request i can give you some basic information about the virtual server i use.

PHP Version 4.3.1
Configure Command './configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/psa/apache/bin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local/psa/apache' '--with-system-regex' '--disable-debug' '--disable-pear' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-gd' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/psa/mysql' '--with-iodbc=/usr/lib' '--with-imap=/usr/local/src/imap-2001a' '--with-jpeg-dir' '--with-png-dir' '--with-tiff' '--with-freetype-dir' '--with-ttf=/usr/lib' '--with-zlib' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--with-gettext' '--with-ftp' '--enable-wddx'

Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)
MACHTYPE i386-redhat-linux-gnu
OSTYPE linux-gnu

for more info you could see phpinfo() or contact my host administrator:

Thanks in advance,
Sander Homs

josp bln

Friday 28 March 2003 7:52:28 am

I use
OS: Mac OS X 10.2.4
php 4.3.0
gd enabled
gd 2.0 or higher

Sander Homs

Saturday 29 March 2003 3:12:06 am

I thought it would be useful when I echo the values of the variable $refImagename.
In ezimagevariation.php here are the results with the demo site.

At line 201 $refImagename has value: var/storage/variations/image/b/q/O//bqOnp1_100x100_297.jpg

At line 208 $refImagename has value: var/storage/variations/image/b/q/O/

V A Burden

Sunday 30 March 2003 1:05:00 pm


Sander Homs

Monday 31 March 2003 1:43:17 am

Best V A Burden,

My hosting provider does not support ImageMagick. That must have been missed you. So I am looking for a solution with GD that does not work atm. I think I gave enough information about my system configuration and the errors that are printed. I hope they will find a solution very soon. I am also looking for way out myself.

Awating an answer,
Sander Homs

V A Burden

Monday 31 March 2003 1:49:01 pm

It looks like convert is not getting called inside ezimagegd.php.

EZ - How/where is gd invoked if IM convert is not available?


Stuart Fenton

Monday 07 April 2003 11:45:58 pm

I have image magic working with a 2.9.7 installation. I have tested Image magic and it works happily but I get the same errors as others on this list I get a ret:27 error.

Do you think it has anything to do with the double "/" at the end of the path of the image it is trying to save?
Eg: var/storage/reference/image//bqOnp1.jpg

Has anyone on this forum thread got a working version yet?

Here is my logfile:
Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Missing main operation memento for key: 9202e0c0e3dc7694030cabcc83835598
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Undefined offset: 0 in /home/net_html/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/output/ezxhtmlxmloutput.php on line 157
Warning: Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Exec: home/usr/bin/convert -geometry "150x150>" var/storage/reference/image//bqOnp1.jpg jpg:var/storage/variations/image/b/q/O//bqOnp1_150x150_297.jpg, Err: , Ret: 127
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

getimagesize: Unable to open 'var/storage/variations/image/b/q/O/bqOnp1_150x150_297.jpg' for reading. in /home/net_html/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 211
Warning: PHP Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

stat failed for var/storage/variations/image/b/q/O/bqOnp1_150x150_297.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /home/net_html/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 226
Error: Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Could not create variation for var/storage/variations/image/b/q/O/bqOnp1_150x150_297.jpg
Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[14] Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[45] Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean
Error: eZTemplate @ content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl:8[67] Apr 08 2003 07:32:02

Cannot retrieve attribute of a boolean


-- Stuart

Ekkehard Dörre

Wednesday 30 July 2003 5:25:19 am


got the same problem, on one site on the same server it was working, on the second site not. Merging of the settings gave this result in site.ini(.php):


# An array of access types which are tried, possible entries are: host, index, uri and port

# Possible values: disabled, element or regexp
# disabled - turns off uri matching
# element - maps a url element to a siteaccess name
# regexp - match against a regexp and extract a portion of it

# Use either disabled, map, element, text or regexp

####### HERE: take Your domain!!!!

####### HERE: take Your domain!!!!
# Add array entries here if you chose HostMatchType=map
# Each entry consists of the hostname;accessname


that's all,

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