Thursday 13 March 2008 3:06:48 pm
Hi, is it possible to use static caching even with MatchOrder=host? I've been looking into this, and it seems that eZ Publish will forcibly assume URL-matching, atleast from the makestaticcache-script. Is there a way to use it? I've come close to make this work by patching kernel/classes/ezstaticcache.php, adding in this in the constructor, and tampering with the crawling code: $site =& eZINI::instance( 'site.ini');
$this->pathPrefix = $site->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'PathPrefix' );
$this->pathPrefix .= $this->pathPrefix == '' ? '' : '/';
But it's far from a great solution (I don't want to hack kernel code...), and I haven't finished it as I thought I'd check if I'm just overlooking something first. So, any takers on static caching with MatchOrder=Host and PathPrefix?