Sunday 09 May 2004 3:06:26 pm
Hi there, We are at the moment at a stage where we are testing different CMSs. EZ-systems look VERY intresting but I have run into problems. Just downloaded the new ez(ezpublish-3.3-5) and tried to install it. First it was time-outed(30) so I changed it 120 and now every install screen takes about 90 sec!! to load!! And when I finish the whole install and try to go to the site it timeouted after 150 sec.. No other php-script(or CMS) I have ever tried or made have done this before, totally new problem for me. I have search the forum for an solution but I can only see old posts about this problem and I thought it was solved by now, or? How can I get this to work? Please help me...MUST be a quick solution to this problem.. Running on local server Apache 1.3.26, PHP 4.3.6RC3(safe-mode off, memory limit 16M), MySQL 3.23.52-nt, WIN 98SE, PIII 900, 256 RAM - no eariler problems... Thanks, Gnolen