Monday 18 October 2004 11:08:05 am
sorry, forgot to give som more infomation I believe is important. My system is:
Mac OS X 10.3.5 (latest)
MySQL 4.0.18,
PHP Version 4.3.4 by Release 2,
Apache/1.3.29 (Darwin) My EZ is 3.4.2 I downloaded the ezpublish-3.4.2.tar.gz and dropped the ezfolder in a folder in the webserverfolder. Started up index.php. I choosed the theme newssite. I used the SQL frontend Cocoa MySQL and made new database and selected this on to experiment with. Then I was very happy to read that I can make my own inputpages with input data I choose. Thank you!! Now if i only can speed this my mac slow? Its 1,25 gHZ G4 prosessor with 1 gig ram. erland, [email protected]
Writer and webproducer in Lillehammer, Norway