Wednesday 23 June 2004 10:24:51 pm
This has been my first installation. I wish it has gone smoother, because I love what I have seen with the product, but I have continual issues. After my install, I received the Kernel 50 error, but was able to edit the .ini file to add the correct information. What was contained appeard to be the defaults. When logging in, I continually got the "Object not found" error. Although I had recursively set the mode of the directory to 777, I believe this had been a premissions issue, since the files simply were not there. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions how to properly prepare directory permissions for an install? Note, the fine tune reported no issues.
Through great input from this forum, I was able to discover what was needed to force a reinstall, and several reinstalls later, things are now running, but with two issues:
1) I am getting an out of memory fatal error after some time. I have boosted the memory limit in my php.ini file to 24M, and still get this. 2) The installation is extremely slow. I am running on a virtual private server with 256M RAM, and there is no other traffic on this server (it is a test server). Loading the default "Gallery" page will take more than 60 seconds. Any help is greatly appreciated.