Tuesday 02 August 2005 5:10:22 pm
I've installed EzPublish 3.6 fresh with a plain interface and no packages/modules. When I go into the Admin / Setup / Packages area and have tried to install various packages (Contact Us, Weblog, News, etc.) for extended functionality, but am having problems. When I go through the install, everything seems to install correctly. When I hit the "Finish" button to complete the install, it takes me back to the initial install page for that package, like it was never installed. No errors. Nothing. Now, when I go back to the content section, a new folder/object has been created and inserted into the tree, but content of all new objects is non-existent. Empty. Also, when I go back to the Packages area, the packages I've installed still say "Not Installed". Needless to say, I'm totally confused. Can anyone tell me what's happening here? Thanks in advance.