newest eZPublish on Mac OS X 10.3.6

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Dominik Pich

Saturday 11 December 2004 2:42:48 am

Can I install the newest eZPublish on Mac OS X 10.3.6?
If not -why?
if yes -how? (I used too use eZPublish for my company where it was already set up)

I don't understand Macs underlying unix very much...
I have the pre-installed apache with the pre-installed php enabled
I also installed mySQL version 4.0.22 and all works great!

Balazs Halasy

Sunday 12 December 2004 12:52:40 am


Yes, you can.

Download the latest eZ publish release and unpack it into the document root (or a subdirectory of your document root) of the webserver. If you don't know the path to the document root, look in your apache config file (usually httpd.conf) and search for "DocumentRoot".

Create a mysql database for eZ publish. Use the mysql command line interface to do this:

OSX:> mysql -u root [ENTER]
mysql> create database ezpublish; [ENTER]
Database created. 0.01 seconds.

mysql> exit [ENTER]

3) Fire up Safari and have it call up the index.php file of eZ publish. You should be able to see & click your way through the setup wizard.

4) If the setup complains about missing image library then your PHP was probably compiled without ImageGD. Try to install "ImageMagick" and re-run the setup wizard.


vidar bakke

Sunday 09 January 2005 1:53:17 pm

Inspired by the ease of installation I decided to take ez for a spin. But..
The ez installer is not able to connect to mysql. The error message is:
Error: eZMySQLDB Jan 09 2005 22:35:44
Connection error: Couldn't connect to database. Please try again later or inform the system administrator.
Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I'm able to connect to a new database "ez" with a
new user "ez" with the following command mysql --user ez -p and
a password.
I tried to change php.ini and my.cfg (see link below), but the connection to
mysql is still not possible.

My current config:
mac os x 10.3.7
apache 1.3.33
php 4.3.4
ez publish 3.5.0
mysql 4.1.7

(btw the the ez installer is very slow)

Any clues about what eZMySQLDB is doing wrong or possible config errors?


vidar bakke

Monday 10 January 2005 1:56:24 pm

After spending to much time on the problem I found the cause of the problem and the answer: eZMySQLDB is using the mysql library built into php (with the option '--with-mysql' during the php build. With the release of mysql 4.1 the password hashing algorithm was changed (to improve security..) Older mysql libraries used during the php build process is therefore not able to decrypt passwords stored in mysql with a version number > 4.1

3 solutions exist:
a) get a phpmodule built with an uptodate mysql library (the version of php may vary)
b) change the password in the database such that they are encrypted the old way. This is done with the following command (in a terminal window):

    -> 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');

Alternatively, use UPDATE and FLUSH PRIVILEGES:

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd')
    -> WHERE Host = 'some_host' AND User = 'some_user';


c) don't use a password. BUT that is really not an option.

Ez is now running on my laptop with os x 10.3.7
The non verbose install process:
- download a php module with up to date mysql support or do the changes above
to resolve the password issue
- download mysql from
- create a user for ez and a database
- set a password for the user !
- unpack the ez tarball in /Library/Webserver
- rename the ezpublish-3.5.0 directory to something shorter/better

restart the webserver from the control panel or use apachectl
start/restart mysql with the command /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM restart

- start the ez installer by pointing your browser to localhost/"shorter/better"

If you did an installation with no mysql password the following can be done to add a password:
- use the set password command above to add a password
- add the passwor to the Password= entry in the file:
(site=your shorter/better name, and plain=the template for the example site)

Erland Flaten

Tuesday 25 January 2005 2:04:34 pm

Still problems to install ez on OS X 10.3.6 Is it possible for someone to create a description on how alle the unix woodoo is to be written?

I have installed the latest MySQL and tried to change the password system back to this old system one the user ezpublish. I got errormesages.

The I typed show databases and mysql shows one called "test". Should there be more than this one? Should I create a database for EZ or does the installer create one? So I:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE ezpub;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'ezpub'

so I guess I must create a database before I change the passwordsystem for that database. How do I do that? Do I have the "rights" to do this? How do I find out?

Thanks for any help

Writer and webproducer in Lillehammer, Norway

Sven Berg Ryen

Tuesday 25 January 2005 2:32:58 pm

Erlend, did you log into mysql as root?

If you don't like to fiddle with the command line, PhpMyAdmin works great in Mac OS X and will enable you to perform most administrative MySQL tasks (such as creating new users) in a GUI inside Safari or any other browser.

FWIW, Ez won't run on my Mac. :(


Sven Ryen
sven.ryen at

Erland Flaten

Thursday 27 January 2005 10:21:20 am

I try to change the password conecept for MySQL back to the pre 4.1. so the php based ez-installer can work. I installed PHPMyadmin and put an pasword to root@localhost On reaload MySQL screamd about wrong password and I tried to AS ROOT:

MacErland:~ root# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
MacErland:~ root# 

So I cant get into the mysql comandline as root. And i need to be there as root to change the password. Some now what to do?


Writer and webproducer in Lillehammer, Norway

Jan Rønning

Thursday 24 March 2005 8:35:35 am

I also had problems installing eZ Publish on my macintosh, trying to use MySQL 4.1.x.
Whatever I dis, the installer wouldn't connect to the database.

I solved the problem by installing MySQL 4.0.24 instead. (File: mysql-standard-4.0.24-apple-darwin7.7.0-powerpc.dmg)

It's not the ultimate solution, but good enough for me until the eZ-team solves the database connectivity-problem :)

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