Tuesday 28 March 2006 12:12:06 am
Hello! I have set up an eZ publish installation on our client's server. The URL to this website is: http://web6.vs185069.vserver.de/ It worked just fine untill the client decided to create another domain that points to the very same place: http://test999.vs185069.vserver.de/ Both domains point exactly the same place. I have tested it and when there's a static html index file - both domains show it exactly the same. I even tested some php scripts - they work the same on both domains. But when you visit the second URL - you get some strange login screen! :( It isn't supposed to be there at all! If I try to login i get:
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
The regular login works just fine. I can't find any working solution, nor even a reason for this problem. Please help me get rid of the strange login screen..