Looking for exemption rule for URL access

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Sebastian Schoeller

Thursday 25 May 2006 3:10:47 pm

Hi all,

I have installed a swf-file under /extensions/worldkit and defined a custom xml tag in order to embed it. The xml tag works. Unfortunately the flash-file wants to read from a configuration file called config.xml which needs to reside in the same directory. Figuring from the log file though it wants to access /config.xml which seems to be bounced by ezpublish printing the message

Undefined module: config.xml
Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/ingog/config.xml

to error.log. Now I was asking myself, whether ezpublish disposes internally over exemption rules, that allow access to certain non-standard files. Maybe somebody can help me out.

Thanks and nite nite.


Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 25 May 2006 11:03:23 pm

Hi Sebastian,

If worldkit is placed under eZ publish extension directory, this should do the trick:

Rewriterule ^/extension/worldkit/.* - [L]

Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog

Sebastian Schoeller

Friday 26 May 2006 1:39:19 am

Morning Lukasz,

in the first place thanks a lot for your reply. Then second thanks go to your work on the Intranet package, which has helped me a lot pushing forward our site development and understanding a few things about eZ.
Aha! A rewriterule. I had thought about that, but it was just too late for me yesterday.So I then applied the rewriterule to vhost.conf and restarted. Also I changed the embedded xmltag directly to / via

<embed src="worldkit.swf" etc.>

and removed the parameter setting from /settings/override/module.ini.append


cleared all caches and received

"Undefined module: worldkit.swf"
Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/ingog/worldkit.swf

I forgot to mention that I had received the same message for config.xml before doing above changes, but with the ExtensionRepository[]=worldkit set. With settings beforehand I would not receive complains about worldkit.swf, but only config.xml.

If I understand correctly with your rewrite rule apache rewrites everything to /, so that eZ should indeed find something under /index.php/ingog/, which in my current opinion equals /. Is worldkit.swf|config.xml now being blocked by eZ somehow? Can I define any exemptions?

Anyhow have a good day Lukasz


Sebastian Schoeller

Friday 26 May 2006 1:52:38 am

Message has been reedited by author.

Sebastian Schoeller

Friday 26 May 2006 3:48:22 am

Hi all,

worldkit is still not working well. The newly created xmltag looks like

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" WIDTH="188" HEIGHT="235" id="worldkit">
<param NAME=movie VALUE="worldkit.swf">
<param NAME=quality VALUE="high">
<param NAME=bgcolor VALUE="#000000">
<embed src="worldkit.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" WIDTH="188" HEIGHT="235" NAME="worldkit" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" swLiveConnect="true" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

I have tested above code for functionality locally and it works in a single html page. Worldkit itself is installed in /extension/worldkit. I have applied Lukasz rewrite rule as follows to vhost.conf

Rewriterule ^/extension/worldkit/.* - [L]

restarted apache and cleared caches. I receive messages from ez-log at var/log/error.log

Undefined module: worldkit.swf
Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/ingog/worldkit.swf

whereas the error log for the apache virtual host says

(32)Broken pipe: core_output_filter: writing data to the network

While looking at the source code delivered to the browser, obviously the html has been embedded, so the xml tag has been well defined. The flash player status says "Movie not loaded", so I presume that worldkit.swf has been found and a connection from the flash player has already been made, but somehow died along the way. I have no idea whereto proceed. What do you think any ideas?

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