let some articles display with chinese

Author Message

poon sg

Monday 07 June 2004 2:23:25 am


I have set up a site using eng-GB as the main and only language, now i used setup / translation to add the chi-CN Language, and I can manage to translate texts to Chinese.but after I clicking store, all text changed to 我们....)

and I have also changed the site.ini.apped to below:


and I clear all the caches after putting these changes.

The problem is that each time I add an article, the default language is english and not in Chinese. (I want all the menu display with English, and some article display with Chinese)

How to solve this problem?


Bård Farstad

Monday 07 June 2004 11:52:05 pm

Try to change the character set of your database. This conversion of text most likely happens in the browser when entering a character which is not supported in the current character set. I would recommend using unicode (UTF-8) for chinese.


Documentation: http://ez.no/doc

Bård Farstad

Monday 07 June 2004 11:53:28 pm

Here is some information about how to use unicode with eZ publish:


Documentation: http://ez.no/doc

poon sg

Tuesday 08 June 2004 8:51:28 pm

HI bard:
you help me a lots.

does only mysql V4.1 has Unicode, and also need to convert?

Thanks & Regards!


yuan che

Sunday 29 August 2004 4:27:26 am

tell me after you have progress.
the problem about utf-8 make me crazy.
I have configured it followed the document on here,but still have some problems.
I suggest ez to post a detailed document on using utf-8.especially about chinese locale.
I come from china.
my msn:[email protected]
contact me. pls.

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