Monday 14 June 2010 3:49:02 am
Hello everyone, Like every year i make my little post about having a upgrade manager inside ezpublish. To make my post short it will work the same way as Magento Connect for magento. A topic that, in my opinion, is growing more and more critical over the years as ezpublish versions continues to grow up. Its now officially a total nightmare to migrate a 3.8.1 website to a 4.2.0 for exemple. If you want to do thing cleanly you will have to install 4 or 5 different ezpublish, each with a different database and you'll loose a full day doing a 1mb content website upgrade. This functionnality - and a little graphical web 2.0 style change - would reposition ezpublish in the race with wordpress and other CMS.
EZP is Great