Friday 27 January 2006 1:46:07 am
After unpacking eZpublish 3.7.3 into an Apache directory, I renamed it to "ezp".
I use UniServer 3.2a with Apache 2.0.54, ActivePerl, PHP 5.0.4, MySQL 4.1.12a, phpMyAdmin-2.6.3-rc1. After my URL "http://localhost/ezp" for the firt time, I receive the following message: <b>"Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in W:\www\ezp\lib\ezutils\classes\ezsys.php on line 794"</b>
I don't understand what's wrong. I use in my local host many tools like Joomla or Wordpress and I have no problem.