Tuesday 20 May 2008 1:25:02 am
I've installed libjpeg-6.2.0-812 but it still does not work. I can see the jpeg picture (which I uploaded) in the media library but I still can't display it in the content of a folder or article... Whatever the size of the picture is (reference, rss, tiny, large, original...). Other thing : when i come back editing the folder where i inserted a jpeg file, I can right click on it (in the online editor) and click on Properties. In the properties popup displayed, it is written that there's no associated objects... I can't debug the back office when I open the popup when I want to insert an object, the popup is empty. How can I check the association of a picture object to a folder eg ? Any hint for all these things ?
[EDIT] As I can display PNG images I tried to auto convert all images uploaded to PNG format, but it does not work :) Here is an extract of my /ezpublish_dir/settings/override/image.ini.append.php :
# The global conversion rules
# Most will be converted to jpeg except gif and xpms
# Fallback if jpeg is disabled as output.