Friday 02 April 2004 10:34:05 am
I just checked the test it does to get this info, and it looks like it doesn't check to see what version of Apache it is running on. Here is the relevevant code snipet from ./kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php:
Test if Apache setting for AcceptPathInfo is enabled
function eZSetupTestAcceptPathInfo( $type, &$arguments )
$testPath = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '/eZ_accept_path_info_test';
$testPath = 'http://' . str_replace( '//', '/', $testPath ); $fp = fopen( $testPath, 'r' );
return array( 'result' => ( $fp !== false ),
'persistent_data' => array( 'result' => array( 'value' => ( $fp !== false ) ) ) );
} ------------------- I believe this is harmless from the look of this test alone, so it should be OK to check "Ignore this test". Other people are more qualified to comment, so take this advie with a grain of salt. If I'm correct in the above assement, there's a better way to check for this test across diffenernt versions of apache, I just can't think of it right now. Maybe after I get soem sleep ;) . hth, some Steve