Hjelp til editor BETALER FOR JOBBEN

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Roy Borglin

Tuesday 15 March 2005 12:06:25 pm

Lurer på om det er noen som kan hjelpe meg med og installere HTMLArea 3.0
Betaler gjerne en liten slump penger for dette også.
send en mail til roy@trade-bet.com


Jack Rackham

Tuesday 15 March 2005 1:27:01 pm

Et annet program i samme kategori er XMLArea. En spesialtilpasset versjon av XMLArea for EZ publish 3.5 finner du her:

Roy Borglin

Tuesday 15 March 2005 1:49:49 pm

Ja det er denne jeg har prøvd meg på, men er veldig nybegynner i ez
SÅ jeg håpet noen kunne hjelpe meg her.



Jack Rackham

Tuesday 15 March 2005 2:25:50 pm

Det er bare å følge instruksjonen i readme filen som følger med.


Copy xmlarea to 'extensions'.

Ensure your .htaccess allows requests for .html through (for the popups).

Deactivate the Online Editor. I haven't got a copy but I presume they'll conflict.

Activate xmlarea extension + clear your caches.

Give the anonymous role rights to the xmlarea module.

Edit something with an ezxmltext attribute (+ cross your fingers)


xmlarea/settings/xmlarea.ini contains options for custom tags, buttons etc.

Follow the notes there for adding a custom tag then add an appropriate template in
the tags in the template have to match the tags specified in the ini.

the following custom tags are set up in the default xmlarea.ini (if they're defined in content.ini aswell):
strike, underline, sub, sup, quote, factbox, hr (horizontal rule)

You can change the appearance of attached objects in the editor by overriding
the 'file' + 'image' classes are overridden by default

xmlarea/design/standard/javascript/pagestyle.js dictates the appearance of the editor content + object preview.

Hvis du er villig til å betale så kan du også kjøpe EZ's egen editor for $ 99.

Roy Borglin

Tuesday 15 March 2005 3:11:55 pm

Hei igjen
Takker for svar, men det er bare en liten ting igjen
Hvordan gjør jeg dette punktet
Ensure your .htaccess allows requests for .html through (for the popups)

Takker igjen

Bård Farstad

Wednesday 16 March 2005 12:17:22 am

Please follow the forum guidelines and only use English in these forums.


Documentation: http://ez.no/doc

Jack Rackham

Wednesday 16 March 2005 3:43:04 am

It depends on if you are using .htaccess or not.
If you do, then the .htaccess file should look like this:

<FilesMatch ".">
order allow,deny
deny from all

<FilesMatch "(index\.php|\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|jar|js|html))$">
order allow,deny
allow from all

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpe?g|png|css|jar|js|html)$ index.php

DirectoryIndex index.php

Jack Rackham

Wednesday 16 March 2005 5:27:18 am

Hello 'translator' when someone starts a discussion in Norwegian by mistake we should finish it in Norwegian as well.

Bård Farstad

Wednesday 16 March 2005 6:00:01 am

Haavard, please respect the forum guidelines. It says that you need to post in English.


Documentation: http://ez.no/doc

Roy Borglin

Wednesday 16 March 2005 10:17:49 am

Sorry my fault.
Okey understand now on the .htaccess file.
My next problem, is I get the tool bar for the htmlearea on the top of the site, when I scroll down on my site, the tool box disapeare.
Hope you understand my english, not so good to write.


Jack Rackham

Wednesday 16 March 2005 11:39:35 am

I have tested the editor demo and it seems like the editor disappears in IE 6 if you scroll down. But it pops up again if you click on the "body/comment" part.
However in Firefox 1.1 and Mozilla 1.7 this is not a problem.


Roy Borglin

Wednesday 16 March 2005 12:10:05 pm

Thanks for all help.
I will install Firefox.
Thanks for good service on this forum :-)


Bård Farstad

Thursday 17 March 2005 12:20:44 am

Thanks for switching to English guys ;)


Documentation: http://ez.no/doc

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