Fatal error on a new 4.13 install.

Author Message

Stefan de Bruijn

Monday 28 September 2009 4:54:05 am


When installing a new Ez Publish version 4.13, directly after the last page of the Setup (the register page) I get a "Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below."
Below which nothing is presented

There is no Ez var/log/error.log
Neither is there a PHP error log (i've set logging to file in php.ini) nor can i find anything relevant in apache logs or system logs.
The var/log/storage.log is created.

I've set the directory permissions according to the chmod and chown i got when doing a 'finetune'. (chown to wwwrun:www as this is the apache user).
I even tried with chown -R wwwrun:www on and chmod -R ugoa+rwx. That doesn't make a difference.

I've copied a working installation from another server. Also an Ez 4.13 version. This works, both front end and the admin. However, when i set
and do the setup, i also get a fatal error.

The only difference with the new setup is that this copy uses a database on another server. The local database is filled with data however (and with more data if i choose the web-interface instead of the plain).

The settings/override/site.ini.append.php is edited by the install. But only the [RegionalSettings] are set.
There is no /settings/siteacces/plain_site_user folder created.
With ezwebin interface there is settings/siteaccess/ezwebin_site_user, which contains only a site.ini.append.php. The content is only the RegionalSettings and the vardir.

The access-type is set to hostname.
Initially I've copied the vhost settings from another working version. I also used the settings according to http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/4_x/installation/virtual_host_setup
Main difference was the <IfModule sapi_apache2.c> to check for php, in the setup manual it is <IfModule mod_php5.c>
I also tried access-type set to url, same error.

Finetune reports an "AcceptPathInfo disabled or running in CGI mode" although "AcceptPathInfo On" is set in the vhost.conf

I've tried with and without a config.php.
I tried both the stand alone and version with ezC included.

dual opteron with 4GB memory.
opensuse 11.1
apache 2.2
php 5.29
mysql 5.0.67-12.16.1
apc (php cache) deïnstalled for now.
ezC installed by PEAR in /usr/share/php5/PEAR/ezc
pear upgrade ezc/eZComponents returns "Nothing to upgrade"

I'l be gratefull for pointers on how to solve this.

Stefan de Bruijn

Monday 28 September 2009 7:13:45 am

I managed to enable debugging by changing the settings/site.ini.

I now have both inline and debugging to file.

This shows some warnings on each page, but only about missing translations. I also only have warnings and notices about the same in var/log/warnings.log and notices.log, and a debug.log but no error.log

On the final page after the setup i get:

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
eZ debug
Timing: 	Sep 28 2009 16:11:02

Script start

Timing: 	Sep 28 2009 16:11:02

Module start 'setup'

Debug: ezi18n 	Sep 28 2009 16:11:02

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(lib/template): 'The maximum nesting level of %max has been reached. The execution is stopped to avoid infinite recursion.' with comment()

Timing points:
Checkpoint	Elapsed	Rel. Elapsed	Memory	Rel. Memory
Script start 	0.0000 sec	0.0379 sec 	2,959.8594 KB	2,536.1250 KB
Module start 'setup' 	0.0379 sec	  	5,495.9844 KB	 
Total runtime:	0.1756 sec	
Peak memory usage:	10,940.0703 KB
Time accumulators:
 Accumulator	 Elapsed	 Percent	 Count	 Average
Load cache	0.0043 sec	2.0736%	7	0.0006 sec
TS translator				
TS init	0.0062 sec	2.9894%	1	0.0062 sec
TS cache load	0.0004 sec	0.1779%	1	0.0004 sec
TS context load	0.0000 sec	0.0227%	1	0.0000 sec
String conversion	0.0000 sec	0.0160%	2	0.0000 sec
Total script time:	0.2068 sec	

The "No translation for file(translation.ts) etc.." is not the issue I think after reading http://issues.ez.no/14982.

The "Script Start" and "Module start 'setup'" do not end, but no clues for the cause.

Stefan de Bruijn

Monday 28 September 2009 8:39:24 am

removed dual post

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