Thursday 18 September 2003 8:23:42 am
Fatal error: Undefined class name 'ezdebug' in /usr/www/htdocs/ezpublish-3.2-1/lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php on line 288 This is the first thing I see after 'tar zxvf ez..' and trying to load the index.php. I can't believe this! Is my machine sick? (I do not at all assume that this is a eZP bug, would be way to obvious!) The first try to upgrade was this: I have a copy of my latest version called 'current', I decompressed the new 3.2-1 tar and copied it into my 'current' folder. This way, all designs, overrides should remain untouched while all old files are overwritten. Well, the page timed out after the first try to access it. (memory limit set to 24M). Well, I don't expect similar experiences, but if you have one, I'd be thankful :) t