Error during installation: Cannot tell the current position, but this is after the position seek. in ez/lib/ezc/Archive/src/file/block_file.php on line 636

Author Message

dan ko

Sunday 08 August 2010 8:06:17 am


Error during the selection of the website template seciotn and then goes no further...

any ideas?


Romeo Antony

Sunday 08 August 2010 8:21:17 am

Hi Dan can you give some info like what is the exact error message getting,

dan ko

Sunday 08 August 2010 9:30:25 am


Ive tried every type of install and the only one that works is the stripped version. All others fail......

Ive checked var/storage and it looks like its not downloading or there are problems getting the sites packages.

Cannot tell the current position, but this is after the position seek. in ez/lib/ezc/Archive/src/file/block_file.php on line 636

thats teh exact debug error message

dan ko

Sunday 08 August 2010 9:36:34 am

is there a way of manually installing the required site packages as it keps failing. Even the plain site cannot install, all teh images are missing...

Thiago Campos Viana

Sunday 08 August 2010 9:44:05 am

You can set the permissions of the folder and subfolders in the following folders: var, extension, design, autoloads, and settings.

You could try with chmod 777 -R var extension design autoloads settings

You can also change the owner of all folders and files in your site folder to Apache. But there's some better permissions settings.

Then try to reinstall your ez publish site.

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


dan ko

Sunday 08 August 2010 10:53:45 am


Ive tried to reinstall the site at least 20 times...

In every instance it does not complete the download process of the web packges. It seems strange o me that they are not included by default.


Is there anyway to manually upload them?

dan ko

Sunday 08 August 2010 11:02:26 am

I will see if changing the permissions has an effect

dan ko

Sunday 08 August 2010 11:12:52 am

no effect.

even the local install didnt work properly as the site admin interface could not be accessed. Not very impressed with this software so far. Has potential but its installation needs to be foolproof and it looks like bad QA.

Robin Muilwijk

Sunday 08 August 2010 11:26:59 am


Can you tell me if you are installing onto a localhost or shared/dedicated server online?

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Thiago Campos Viana

Monday 09 August 2010 4:23:33 am

As even the local install didn't work, I think there's a problem with php max execution time and memory limit, maybe apache/php version, could you please create a file info.php in your root directory with the following content:


And access it and search for these informations:




eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Yannick Komotir

Tuesday 10 August 2010 2:35:26 am

Hi dan ko, have you look at Requirements ?

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