Wednesday 30 April 2003 8:07:02 am
Kristin: Thanks for the quick response. Okay, lets take this slow. First, I have zero functionality with this product right now. When I first started it the demo kicked in and I saw all those wonderful sites; now I have nothing, but messages telling me "object unavailable" when I try to invoke each module. This is confusing. I shouldn't have to figure the why and wherefor of this my first time using the program. I hate that. So, I go to the tutorials and "how-tos" looking for a way to get the demo working again. I don't find this. What I find is a lot of discussion about things I don't understand or really want to understand. All I want to do is get the demo back so I can play around with the app to see what it can do. I don't want to start appending files and stuff; I hate that. And worst still is how every tutorial and "how-to" assumes the reader knows exactly what he wants to do. I don't. Let's consider your latest explanation to see what I'm talking about . . . ##################################### We (the users) are helping in creating documentation, but that takes time. The quickest and easiest way to set up site access is via the "map" method. There you specify the server name and the corresponding site. (but you still haven't explained what "site access" is and why I should want it. Moreover, why should I have to make this decision right out of the gate? Something is wrong here. You fellows are putting the cart in front of the horse. I want to play with this application before I go fiddling around in the directory. Moreover, I really don't want to know what the "map method" is. Also, asking me to "server name" and "corresponding site" confuses me yet again. Why is it assumed I know anything about servers? Is this product for common folk or just developers? All the tutorials seem to be talking to developers. Assume I know nothing about servers and start from there. If I've got to learn a bunch of stuff before I can get this product up and running, at least take me step by step through this mine field. Spoon feed me, I'm a baby, can't you tell?)
HostMatchMapItems[];admin HostMatchMapItems[];domain2 This means that and go to site www, the settings for which can be found in /settings/siteaccess/www/... (Sorry, but this is still Chinese Caligraphy to me. When you write " and http:/ go to site www" what on earth does that mean? How do they get there, by airplane? ) The same goes for the other specs. Other than that, take a look at the how-tos in the community contributed docs. If you learn to do it, writing your own how-to would be really appreciated. (There's a science to writing technical instructions and someone with EZ needs to learn it. These tutorials and "how-tos" are all over the place and none of them have helped me get up and running at all. I'm still looking at screen that says "object not available' whenever I try to do anything. In short, your product seems to be a great product for developers, anybody else should have lots and lots of time on his hand if he wants to learn how to use it. Ric
Karsten P.S.: to learn how to post an article, you do not need to learn setting up siteaccess. Just install the demo data and start from there.