Tuesday 09 March 2010 2:36:15 am
Hi, I am about to setup a site using a mix of 2 access-types:
- host based access using mapping
- uri based access using elements
So i want to reach different siteaccesses the following way:
- admin-de.example.com -> admin_DE
- admin-en.example.com -> admin_EN
- example.com/germany/de -> germany_de
- example.com/germany/en -> germany_en
Everything is working as expected, using the following override-site.ini statements:
CheckValidity=false ForceVirtualHost=true
AvailableSiteAccessList[]=finland_fi AvailableSiteAccessList[]=finland_en
URIMatchElement=2 ----------------------------------
With the settings above, I am able to visit the siteaccesses as defined and described. The URIMatchType element plus utilizing URIMatchElement=2 converts the request-Uri from '/germany/de/products/shoes/123' to the following Siteaccess-name: 'germany_de'. Everything is fine 'til here. Now the (possible) Bug:
When creating links to contentobjects using the template-function ezurl, the followign links are being generated:
{"/content/view/ful/123"|ezurl} template code
/germany_de/content/view/full/123 output in html
/germany/de/content/view/full/123 output in html that is correct but not generated :-(
----------- Am i missing something? The implementation of the following file/method seems not to take into account, that when using uri-type-matching plus using elements and elements being > 1, to reproduce a correct siteaccess-uri, not the siteaccess-directory-name. I implemented a workaround for this particular problem as below:
/lib/ezurils/classes/ezsys.php, method indexFile, around line 530, ezpublish 4.2.0
if ( $withAccessList and count( $instance->AccessPath ) > 0 )
//$accessPath = implode( '/', $instance->AccessPath ); <--- original code
$accessPathArray = $instance->AccessPath; <-- added
$accessPathArray[0] = str_replace( '_', '/', $accessPathArray[0] ); <- added
$accessPath = implode( '/', $accessPathArray ); <-- added
... ------------------------------- edit: added the function name, line and ez-version
Hannover, Germany
eZ-Certified http://auth.ez.no/certification/verify/395613