Tuesday 04 November 2003 12:57:28 pm
My apologies go out to the EZ Publish developers... After having a bit of a rant about installation and configuration problems (which I might add were only bought on by the frustration of knowing I might missing out on the opportunity to use a fantastic CMS) with EZP V3.x-x, I have eventually discovered that the majority of my problems can be solved with a couple of simple tweaks in server configuration files. Therefore, I urge anybody finding themselves similarly frustrated to ensure that all settings are correct server side before doing the same! Ooops! My only concern however, is that with V3.2-3 I get the same page displayed for both the admin and the user, whereas I don't have this problem with V3.2-2. Does anybody know of a particular reason for this, and is it a problem likely to be rectified in the near future? Until I know better, I think I'll stick with 3.2-2...