Tuesday 19 April 2005 4:19:32 am
I downloaded the complete bundle ezpublish-3[1].5.1-Linux-STABLE.i386.tar.gz and followed instructions at http://www.ez.no/ez_publish/documentation/installation/bundled_installation/ez_publish_bundle_for_linuxunix_based_systems Everything seemed to work ok and I selected port 80 (though I don't know how to check that this is available). Looking at the last few lines of install.log I get
Starting MySQL...done
Starting Apache...done
Creating database and granting permissions
Loading http://localhost:80 into a web browser, however, does not work. When I do ps -augx I don't find Apache running. When I try to start apache manually by
P1000X2:/opt/ezpublish/apache_1.3.33/bin # ./apachectl start
Syntax error on line 205 of /opt/ezpublish/apache_1.3.33/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /opt/ezpublish/apache_1.3.33/libexec/libphp4.so into server: libmysqlclient.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started
it complains that it cannot load the libphp4.so (which does exist) and that it cannot open libmysqlclient.so (which does NOT exist). So I have contradictary indications from the log file, which says that apache is running, and from manual observation which says that it cannot. I have a successful ezPublish site on Win2K but was hoping to port it to Linux. Can anybody help, please?