Tuesday 17 January 2006 9:35:45 am
Hi Felipe, That's a MySQL command to signal which character set to use in communications with the client. Taken from the MySQL manual:
NAMES {'charset_name' | DEFAULT}
SET NAMES sets the three session system variables character_set_client, character_set_connection, and character_set_results to the given character set. Setting character_set_connection to charset_name also sets collation_connection to the default collation for charset_name. See Section 10.4, “Connection Character Sets and Collations”.
The default mapping can be restored by using a value of DEFAULT.
Note that the syntax for SET NAMES differs from that for setting most other options. This statement is available as of MySQL 4.1.0.
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/set-option.html IIRC, this statement is executed before most of the ini settings are read. That would explain why disabling SQLOutput doesn't get rid of that message.