Monday 30 January 2006 6:10:57 am
The manual installation of eZ publish is not limited to providing DB info in a configuration file. The documentation about the manual install contains a page which is about configuring your install so you actually have a site. If you perform those steps, you'll have properly configured siteaccesses and you'll know their names. It's not a good idea to use the supplied 'admin' access because that's used as a template for admin siteaccesses created by the installer. Secondly, please be more specific when mentioning errors/mistakes/typoes/... in code. Example: "A bunch of files are missing" is very unspecific and doesn't allow us to help in case we happen to know what to do. Be more verbose about what you think is an error (supplying file + line number would help a lot). And last but not least, the demo sites are part of the distribution :) Nothing is downloaded during install. What the installer creates as demo sites is available as <b>packages</b> (Setup tab > Packages > Addons repository + Styles repository). If you perform a manual install, you can do what you want. The installer will combine certain packages as a site (e.g. Plain site = no addons + t02 style package) and install those for you. It will also create two siteaccesses (admin + user).