Tuesday 14 December 2004 8:20:06 pm
Hi Lukas One possible reason for this problem can be that your eZ publish installation use HostMap but you access the your site in a URI mode, if you do so you can get this access problem. Another reason can be that you have been changing the name of you site in site.ini <i>AvailableSiteAccessList</i>. I got some same problem when I changed the name of my site in 3.5.0 RC2, when I was changing the name back everything was working normally. Personally I thought it was something I had done wrong and I was not reporting it as a bug, but maybe it is a bug in 3.5.0 RC2. Hope this could help a bit. Best regards
Egil Fujikawa Nes Fujikawa Engenharia de Software Ltda
BuildCMS - Av. Paulista 777, 15° Andar - CEP: 01311-100 - São Paulo
URL: http://www.buildcms.com