Sergio González
Monday 21 April 2003 12:02:14 pm
Hi all Ez users and developers.. I have some questions about Ez publish versions 2.2x and 3.0, I'm trying to change my site and according with many people and reading in many sites of internet EZ publish is the best CMS under GPL license. Now I found 2 available version 2.2x and 3, My questiosn is which is the most apropiate to my site?, I have a tourist portal of Chiapas, México, in that site I have information about cities,reports, pols, ads, news, articles, photo gallery, forums, classifieds, etc. and I want to implement my site using the same design but with Ezpublish system. I was installed both versions of Ezpublish and work fine but I could see that the version 2.2 has more modules and more options to manage a site like ads, etc. it's true that appreciation??... I want you to tell me which of the two systems is more complete to implement on my site.. My live site is I will appreciate their answers...
Paulo Almeida
Tuesday 22 April 2003 5:13:20 pm
IMHO with ez3 you can create everithing with ez3 except polls and ads :-( . These modules should be a easy to implement.
With ez2.2 you have polls and ads, but you haven't the power of classes. Why don't use ez3 with phpadsnew (export html code and insert in ez3 templates) for ads and any other package for polls? Paulo
PACPI.COM Internet Consulting