Weekend Reading ...

Author Message

kracker (the)

Sunday 24 April 2005 2:03:29 pm

Do you ever catch yourself looking for new eZ publish information? I love doing it, it's so much fun, you can really get a lot of great ideas and inspirations from the eZ publish community.

I bet you catch yourself reading for hours online through a seemingly infinite set of reams, stuff previously ignored, the entropy of google and the keywords on my mind on any given sunday. Eventually, through time, at some point the results change ;)

You think about the sheer size of history of just what you have consumed to get this far and what you learn as you go along and the blanketed outlook that news ...

(cover to cover) the web through and through all roads lead to ez.no, I catch myself reading, again!:

ezadjax ;P the next big thing? ajax is not a noun!

Do you eZ ? do it to spec ...

my.t-shirt.says : I take it eZ

I don't know if you have tried it lately? It's a new trend, i'm working on making a problem in my life, cause it's lot of fun to attract attention to a few bugs ever few days by contribution to the threads at:

Even if it's as bad as your subconscious thinks, saying it before it kills you inside and before your duo on the other side of the planet suddenly out of the blue either ... gets an unscheduled inspiration.

Interesting Reading :)


Sage Francis : Inherited Scars

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Craig Hirsch

Sunday 24 April 2005 7:43:17 pm

eZ Systems is looking for 4.0 feedback?

On-the-fly, Javascript-mediated Ajax-style data fetching (initiated by client-side events) would be a great feature for 4.0!


kracker (the)

Sunday 24 April 2005 10:10:40 pm

I think eZ systems is still open to general 4.0 feedback and speculation ;)

eZ systems requested 4.0 ideas in:

ez.no got the general survey (recently):

And in the ez.no sdk-public malling list:

Does it shock anyone that eZ systems is (yet, again) selling the eZ publish LiveCD for (approx) $ 49 (USD)! Almost makes you want to pull the latest iso and open up shop :) Seems, people are starting to notice it, too! (ref)

Ever seen the stargeek brief interview? (ref)

eZ template support in Kate/Quanta on GNU/Linux/KDE experience (ref)

Off the Wall, User Comments

And I saved the best for last, if you have not read the eZ publish introduction, what I like to call <i>a public collaboration workflow : eZ publish selling itself"</i> on the debian-edu project's mailing list

It took a while for this conversation to work through the initials but I found it very informative and exciting. Not to mention looking at just how Bard sells the use of key features to show just how an eZ publish solution can revolutionize any web application implementation ... an I kinda have a soft spot in my heart for selling amazing solutions to the future (all without time traveling), exciting students to consider the long term benefits of a powerful solution like eZ publish.

what's on your mind?


what <i>made</i> ben forta so cool anyway?

spongebob squarepants : krusty krab training tideo

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Sunday 24 April 2005 10:41:50 pm

ok, ok, enough with the self referential recursive edits ;)

Open Source / Free Software eZ publish Solutions Providers:

Rebuilding gradLink the eZ way

Self Destructive Ideas, aka it's your life, do what you like ...

I have this idea and I'm not sure ... what if after eZ publish 3.6 goes gold (released) we all go out and write reviews for some of the key mirrors for eZ publish (freshmeat.net, download.com, zdnet, hotscripts).

With 4.0 details surely forth coming, the additional new users identifying with recent-detailed-topical usage situations as described by the people who know them best might really help put a big dent into growing the community in anticipation for the next major release. I mean, look at these reviews, it's no wonder people are confused and misinformed

an, it's a little stale but i did do it for the official record so it might be worth saying i used to store reading material in the ezpub links : http://ezpub.co.uk/links/reviews

eZ publish on newsforge! eZ publish starts to get some coverage from the osdl family:

Hrm, interesting nobody is using these price machines for listing their solutions / backlinks? no eZ publish in price grabber:

Nobody is selling eZ publish on ebay, yet!
eZ publish Inside Out


Coming Soon...

Migrating from PHP 4 to PHP 5 by Derick Rethans (May 27th, 2005)

Walking into trouble ;)

eZ headware

eZ publish or everything else?

An eZ publish experience from the badlands ...

eZ publish news portal, brutal but heavy, a use case for browsing text-mode-only with images disabled:

Praise from the trenches!

eZ publish screencast, this is a really great video presentation :

Ajax related mantra!

What do you think? Now is the time to realize your power to remind others of their power to influence others into ...

personal journalist since 1992,

ANTICON : <i>"... it's just another rainy day" - josh martinez</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Monday 25 April 2005 1:03:19 am

A friendly word of warning for people who do or are considering posting online ... use a text editor. I can't begin to tell you about situations where information typed into a browser became a liability not an asset. Protect the information you type, save it in a text file first! Ask someone who knows, they'll smirk.

Looking for the ideas for the area I'm voting for improvements to be made to ez.no next.

The Contribution Section

It's going to get more improvements, the question isn't if, it's what, when, why. I had some ideas which came after the first outburst,

- Most ( Popular, Download ) (Today, Week, Month, Year) (Top 10n)
- Community editor's choice
- Rank (using articleRank)
- Display Created Date
- Dated ChangeLog
- Display Project Update History (History / Log for updates / revisions / new releases)
- Quality Descriptions (What constitutes alpha/beta/stable Definitions)?
- Project Forums (Dedicated Searchable (Advanced/Simple) Advanced Forums (optional)
- Project Documentation (Integrated into upcoming ...
- Additional Contribution Categories / Heigherarchy of Solutions
- Larger Per page Contribution Display List Limit Threshold / User Configurable / 3 Primary Options
- Contribution / Project Category List Sorting (Field / Type)
- Cell View ( Tabular / Compact View) (Note: NO More 1..20 Footer PagelistLinks, they are killing us)
- Sorting by Status (ie: stable, unstable) also sub sorts by date as stable is far too broad to display any relavent results by itself.
- Re categorizing / Not Removing Outdated / Deprecated Items / No more loosing our history ... ( Creation of Deprecated section, a place to write about deprecated implementations for eZ publish and more!
-- Ie: Hacks is a huge category (some say too big...)
- Time from now() since last update (stale/fresh software)
- Project News
- Replace basic /community/contribs list with extensive / advanced root section node (4 key blocks, min)
- freshmeat style customization of project news
- Advanced Search : Contribution / Project : Properties
- Contribution Site Map (Large Size Unfeasible? RSS Instead?)
- Latest Contribution
- Latest Contribution Comments
- Latest Project Forums
- Template Plugin / Site Style Thumbnail in main list (Gallery like, medium)

- User Profile (my.ez) Section
-- Profile : ez.log : User Blog, Shared via profile
-- Profile : Favorites : Mark any ez.no object avail as favorite and manage favorite list + external favorites (public via profile directory) to share my favorite ez.no information + my own blog
-- Profile : Dashboard (flexible search ui for my.objects display for my eZ publish submissions' attributes / properties.
-- Profile : Site Sort (flexible way to sift through ez.no content by sorting instead of linking (clicking))

The forums have gotten a few small waves of real / segnificant revisions along with a few other parts of ez.no

I say that the user / project / forum / areas could use some of this very same attention.
It could be the basis of dealing with more information from the ez publish community / ez systems


rem : shiny happy people (music video)

sole : imsotierd, outro ...

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Monday 25 April 2005 1:27:42 am

<b>eZ publish killer extension?</b> Spell Checking + Dictionaries + updates.ez.no/user-lang-dictionary (community dictionaries)

Old, eZ publish (v2.2) lost module http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ezmediamanage
what was it for? who made it, and who's responsible for this half released chunk of code?

Pondering, just what does a workflow contribution (packaged) look like and why don't we see more, smaller, basic, worlfows / worlfow components?

Considering Contributing? The future is in "Commenting in the forums" aka "Responding to orphaned forum posts", "Verifying bug reports", "Contributing bug fixes and code" http://ez.no/community/developer/contributing , Simply pick a topic, and work your way to being able to respond decisively on your core topic. I tend to enjoy commenting to ideas submitted by others to agree with an idea that I have had before but not posted.
With 6500+ entries into the tracker (bugs db) it's a big deal keeping the numbers in check. Help us get implementations developed as fast as possible by reducing the workload of answering and managing the bugs.

Make a difference, post ... ez.no

post, post, post. *snicker*, are ya postin' yet? (a family guy drop)

a repeat re-editor ...

"What the bleep do we know?" && "The elegant universe"

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Monday 25 April 2005 1:47:24 am

I think ... i've found myself once again well outside the bounds of traditional space-time ...

That the ez.no objects (like: proj, forum, comments, events, specs, docs, ) could display a count count numeric + label + style (et ala : ezviewcounter). To find and rate objects in ez.no (what's most popular, now vs longterm)

eZ publish ideas, we could use some more of your ideas, what if we had a form that collected this information branded as ideas?

Forum, Add Flag Forum / Topic / Thread / Message : Flag Thread for moderator faq documentation, forum moderator use cases / canned answers / solutions / responces / topics ... moderator.ez.no section with moderator tools for beter community forum (guided) solutions.

Hey? Did you hear about the new eZ publish f/oss evangelist, Zak Greant ? I wonder just what Zak is going to be doing first to bump ez to the rest of the net :) http://ez.no/company/ez_crew/ez_headquarters

... i reply to myself, what's wrong with me aka reasons why i push http post: too far (tm) ... the places you find yourself when pushing out with the force while back paddling furiously, (with) light shields flaring, reaching out with the force, feeling for an out like the blind in a huff ...

happy hacking,

backgrounding :>> sole : teepee_on_a_highway_blues

i came for an eZ publish community newsletter and i ended up witting one ...? <smirk />

"..i don't want to listen,. i want to talk untill everybody listens ....." - Sole : Bottle Of Humans : #01 : Dismantling Of Soles Ego

2pac_Loyal-to-the-Game_thug-for-life_instrumental ...

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Frederik Holljen

Monday 25 April 2005 11:22:11 pm

Thanks for all the links kracker. Lots of good reading here :)

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