Tuesday 16 August 2005 5:35:59 am
Hi to everybody, I would like a clarification on this argument, I must create two roles of users with various accesses in the various areas of the web site, for example, I have a menu with the following options area1, area2, area3, area4: customer users has access to -> area 1, area2 member users has access to-> area3, area4
now, DefaultUserPlacement establishes the destination for an only user, in the user inscription form I can instead create a combo box which on the basis of the choice inserts the node in the appropriate class? For example, during the inscription sheet I have a combo box with two choices customer and member, now, if the choice is customer:
the user is memorized in -> customer accounts so the user is registered as customer if the choice is member:
the user finishes in -> member accounts the user is registered as member help me please, I am not able to solve this problem with EzPublish and I don't know anyone for clarifications. Many thanks