Tuesday 13 November 2007 4:47:31 am
We are developing a website for one of our clients using eZ Publish 3.9.3 and have to migrate to PHP5. We want to find out about the effort involved in migrating eZ Publish from 3.9.3 to 4.0 (as it is supposed to work with PHP5). Currently we are using the extension “Oracle Database 1.4” as the DB is Oracle.
Here is the list of questions we have 1. What is the exact time line for the production release of eZ Publish 4.0 (currently road map states early 2008)? If the time line is not known now, Can we get an idea by when the exact time lines will be made official? 2. Will Oracle be supported by eZ Publish 4.0, as it is stated in the migration steps from 3.10 to 4.0 as “The eZ Publish Extension for Oracle® Database v1.5 and earlier (plus the upcoming version 1.6) do not work with eZ Publish 4.0.0 alpha2. Do not upgrade to 4.0 if your site makes use of this extension.” (mentioned in the URL - http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/upgra...grading_to_4_0/from_3_10_0_to_4_0_0) 3. Currently we are in the development phase of the project, given the tentative time line of 4.0 release, what should be the recommended approach? Should we upgrade to 3.10.0 and go to production and then think of upgrading to 4.0? Or we upgrade to 4.0 and then go to production? Any response to the above questions will be highly appreciated.
EDIT: this question can be answered here: http://ez.no/developer/forum/developer/upgrade_from_ez_publish_3_9_3_to_4_0#msg153040