Template operator for the ads codes

Author Message

Nayef Abu Ebaid

Sunday 10 December 2006 12:21:48 am

Hi all,

I am creating a site that has a lot of advertising codes, in different places in the same page and it depends on which section you are in, i have to change the zone id depends on which section you are in, so someone told me to make a custom template operator, is that true and how can i do it if it's the right thing to do, and if not how shall i do it.

Note: the advertising codes is a JavaScript code

Best regards,


kracker (the)

Sunday 10 December 2006 2:18:28 am

While you might be able to do what you describe with a template operator ...

I would instead interject that from the basis of your first post your could instead more quickly write and use a reusable template construct called a 'toolbar' to provide for your ad.tpl functionality!

1. Create a template to contain the logic of your rules based on sections and ad code combinations.

No mater how you implement this functionality within eZ publish you will end up using a template. Which makes templates a quick simple safe place to start when trying to implement custom functionality.

2. Create logic to control the display of your ad based on your custom code combinations.

3. Configure your toolbar to be displayed in your default pagelayout template via ini settings

4. Test

5. Revise template logic

6. Repeat #3 and #4 until all testing is successful

7. Consensus

<i>the fountain ...</i>

<b>references ...</b>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Sunday 10 December 2006 2:38:15 am

Here is an example of the addition required to add a template.
This example is not directly related to your requirements.

File: '<i>extension/exampledesign/settings/override/toolbar.ini.append.php</i>'





File: '<i>extension/exampledesign/design/example/override/templates/full/full_view_home.tpl</i>'

<div id="col_main_7x" >
  {tool_bar name=flashheader view=full}
  <div class="break"></div>

File: '<i>extension/exampledesign/design/example/templates/toolbar/full/FlashFile.tpl</i>'

 {* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *}

 {def $file=fetch( 'content', 'list', hash( 'parent_node_id', $parent_node,
              'sort_by', array( 'priority', false() ),
              'limit', 1,
              'class_filter_type',  'include',
              'class_filter_array', array( 'image','flash' )
               ) )

{* $file|attribute(show,1) *}
{foreach $file as $index => $object }
{$index} : {$object.name}<br />
              'class_filter_array', array( 'image', 'flash' ) x *}
  {* $file|attribute(show,1) *}

              'sort_by', array( 'priority', false() ),
              'limit', 1
              'class_filter_type',  'include',
              'class_filter_array', array( 'image' )
              'class_filter_array', array( 'image', 'flash' )
  {* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *}

 {if $file.0.class_identifier|eq('image')}
  {def $image=$file}
  {attribute_view_gui attribute=$image.0.object.data_map.image image_class=original href="/products/tools/garbage_bags"|ezurl()}

  {def $flash_file=$file.0}
    {let attribute=$flash_file.data_map.file}
    <div id="flashheader">
        <object codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0"
                {section show=$attribute.content.width|gt( 0 )}width="{$attribute.content.width}"{/section} {section show=$attribute.content.height|gt( 0 )}height="{$attribute.content.height}"{/section} id="objectid{$flash_file.object.id}">
        <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
        <param name="movie" value={concat("content/download/",$attribute.contentobject_id,"/",$attribute.content.contentobject_attribute_id,"/",$attribute.content.original_filename)|ezurl} />
        <param name="quality" value="{$attribute.content.quality}" />
        <param name="play" value="{section show=$attribute.content.is_autoplay}true{/section}" />
        <param name="loop" value="{section show=$attribute.content.is_loop}true{/section}" />
        <embed src={concat("content/download/",$attribute.contentobject_id,"/",$attribute.content.contentobject_attribute_id,"/",$attribute.content.original_filename)|ezurl}
               quality="{$attribute.content.quality}" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="{$attribute.content.pluginspage}"
               {section show=$attribute.content.width|gt( 0 )}width="{$attribute.content.width}"{/section} {section show=$attribute.content.height|gt( 0 )}height="{$attribute.content.height}"{/section} play="{section show=$attribute.content.is_autoplay}true{/section}"
               loop="{section show=$attribute.content.is_loop}true{/section}" name="objectid{$flash_file.object.id}">



  {* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *}

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Nayef Abu Ebaid

Monday 18 December 2006 3:28:30 am

Thanks a lot for the help now I have a tool_bar up and running.



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