Monday 02 May 2011 1:36:03 am
2 visits per minute? 6-12 seconds of load time? Is that the load time for the first time a page is loaded (and cache is being populated) or for every time the page is being populated? If it is every time, then your cache isn't set up correctly. A php accelerator would probably translate to a 10% gain but with that little amount of traffic it's not going to matter much. A visit every 30 seconds isn't very much traffic at all. I assume you have more than 1GB of RAM on the machine? I assume that the CPU load on the machine is next to nothing? Is this a virtual server and it shares a network card with other, much busier, sites? Is the machine slow to log into (assuming you have command line access)? Do you have DebugTransactions or SlowQueriesOutput enabled? I think the DebugTransactions really slows down a site. Are there specific pages that are really slow? Is the backend slow too or just specific pages on the frontend? If it is just specific pages on the frontend, then it's probably a template problem - if it's not, then it's some problem with the setup (such as the above-mentioned permissions problem) or cache isn't being generated for the templates with the heavy sql load or a debug setting that shouldn't be on. Other places to look is something badly misconfigured in the my.cnf settings. Or whatever database configuration file if you're not using mysql. Check the logging level there too.
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