Thursday 23 November 2006 11:20:44 am
Thankyou Lukasz, This looks like a great enhancement, I will look into on a test 3.9 installation. Unfortunately for this project we are stuck with PHP 4.3 and will need to implement this in eZ 3.6.x. I have used your eZInformation workflow event ( as a basis for my custom logging event. I simply added the log class at the top:
include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezlog.php' );
And just before confirmation a call to eZ log which to /var/log/custom.log
$owner =& eZContentObject::fetch( $object->attribute('owner_id') );
$logNotice = new eZLog();
$logNotice->write("PUBLISHED: "
. $object->attribute('name')
. " Owner "
. $owner->attribute('name') .
" Version: ". $object->attribute('current_version'));
It works great for publishing and editing through the content_publish trigger. Yet, I see is that the content triggers do not have content_delete or content_move operations, thus limiting the auditing one can do. Is there any way of executing the event after content deletion without hacking the kernel? Thanks a lot, Felpe
Felipe Jaramillo
eZ Certified Extension Developer | Bogotá, Colombia