Wednesday 01 September 2010 2:54:25 pm
Hi, You can do mysqldump current database and then import it to the new.
export database:
mysqldump -uUSER -p -hADDRES_IP_WHERE_IS_YOUR_DATABASE -B NAME_YOUR_DATABASE >backup_database.sql
import database:
mysql -uUSER -p -hADDRES_IP_WHERE_IS_YOUR_NEW_DATABASE -B NAME_YOUR_DATABASE <backup_database.sql Then you need to change the files in siteaccess for database settings and the base url.
Server=hostname your new database server
User=user new database server
Password=password this user
Database=name of new database
SiteURL=new site url
AdditionalLoginFormActionURL=new url user/login You must also clear the entire cache, language files, ini, codepages, content, ezmutex, override, public, template, template-block, trans, translation, user-info and then copy all the ez publish a new server. Best regards, Lukasz