Thursday 07 December 2006 2:22:07 pm
Thanx a lot Claudia. I start to finally understand how shipping works in 3.8.x People should know that it has nothing to do with the Workflow/events system and that you need to developp (or download from contributions) you own shipping handler (extension). But what is there so much documentation about setting up the shipping functions into Workflow/Events system ? From what i now know it has nothing to do with it ? So i managed to get something by making this :
1 - Downloading the ezsampleshipping module
2 - Uncompress into extension dir
3 - Activate the extension into desired site.ini level
4 - Import the provided .sql into db
5 - Create/Modify shop.ini into your siteaccess with those settings : 6 - Allow rights for Anonymous on this module
RepositoryDirectories[]=extension/ezsampleshipping/shippinghandlers/ ExtensionDirectories[]=ezsampleshipping Then update you basket view....ouf Martin
EZP is Great