Thursday 05 April 2007 8:09:00 am
Hi, I wrote a newsletter / SMS extension by my self, based on the gunnstein newsletter but with mass sent out via a propetary gateway. Later it was replaced by the new eZ newsletter extension for easier supporting und his own gateway. The old one had some custom programming, with programming from the Switzerland SMS provider, generating a XML und putting it on a server in a gateway. But the license is not clear, it is not open source, I think, and not totally from us, so sorry, I can't post it. Perhaps the new one, but Toby made this, I believe. Toby, am I right? Generally there a two kinds of providers: Via XML Gateway and via email to SMS. Each provider needs his own code, some of them have PHP examples.
My provider for long years (I can't count them any more ;-) ) for example has a email2sms gateway: Hih (Hope it helps), ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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