Thursday 25 September 2003 10:25:52 am
Hi guys, ok, im running eZ on a PII 233MHz, 128Mb piece of shit (Linux, Apache, php_accelerator). I know this is to slow for a site to serve pages under one or two seconds. I cannot use ViewCaching because I need ezenv to make some basic form communication. Are there websites or even applications that do not POST or GET data to the system and retrieve appropriate data? Do they all disable ViewCaching? They can't! A simple site (info page, cache-blocks for navigation) takes 5-8 seconds to load! So without ViewCaching, what type of CPU would I need in order to get my pages >1s?
Thanks a lot! Thomas PS.: Would be interested, what type of hardware you run eZ on (especially when hosted by your ISP on a shared server!)