Tuesday 07 December 2010 1:38:47 pm
If you take a look at the Net section of Firebug, do you see any errors in the XHR communication with the server?
Hi, Christian No, there are no errors. It just look like paging could be calculated wrong. When I follow JSON messaging of POST requests, I can see that: 1. When I open the first page (10 files + pager 'Next' ), there are parameters of call: - content.count = 10 - content.limit = 10 - content.offset = 0 - content.total_count = 28 2. When I click "Next", I see next 10 files and pager "Previous", but no "Next" (I'd expect it - the number of files is 28 in this folder). This page contains files no 9,10 from previous page on positions 1,2. And parameters are: - content.count = 10 - content.limit = 10 - content.offset = 8 (I think it should be 10, for elements 11-20, but it explains why files 9,10 from previous page are visible here again) - content.total_count = 28 3. When I click "Previous", I come back to first page, but I see 10 files starting from file no 3 (!). First two from step 1 are skipped. Parameters are: - content.count = 10 - content.limit = 10 - content.offset = -2 (sure, 8 - 10 = -2 but it has to be 0) - content.total_count = 28 4. And now... When I click again to the "Next" pager, I can see only empty page with "Next" pager shown (clicking on it takes no effect). Parameters are: - content.count = 0 (sure, no files on the page) - content.limit = 10 - content.offset = -210 (!!!) - content.total_count = 28 As I see, when I click "Next" pager, offset is calculated wrong. And it is not possible to go to the pages 3, 4, ... Maybe I need to report it as a bug?