Monday 20 December 2004 3:53:13 am
It seems that 1.4 no longer works because it makes the rendering of 3.5rc2's control panels unstable. Other than that it appears to work, though I haven't tested it very extensively. You can make 1.4 report that it's version 2.0 by doing the following:
Open /path_to_ez/extension/ezdhtml/ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezdhtmlxmlinput.php
with a text editor and replace line 151:
$version = '1.4.0';
with: $version = '2.0.0'; Please be aware that this is a crude hack and probably not very clever. You should disable the editor when you don't need it, so that the 3.5rc2 admin pages display correctly. The display problem is very apparent. Apparently your OE licence is good for version 2, when it appears. It might be best to wait!
Language is a virus - William S Burroughs