Tuesday 25 May 2004 4:56:53 pm
Hello Im looking to a simple and secure way to download mysql dump from a site made with ezpublish every time i need copy/backup the online database to my local machine. Want do this using one shell script.
What that shell script need do ?
- receive some paramaters (remote server, remote database name, localdatabase name, ...)
- connect to the remote server,
- get the database dump,
- zip/tar and download it, - then on my local host, unzip/unpack and override the dump to a local database. All connect/transfer tasks using ssh/scp. Use linux on remote server (host company) and win + cygwin on my local machine.
I what extend this idea to update the design/templates folders of my sites:
- local zip/tar,
- copy to remote server in a secure way,
- unzip/untar on remote, - replace the changed/new files.
I need some help and if possible, examples. I have knowledge todo some basic tasks (use ssh, scp, get mysql dump, untar) but can build the complete solution. So, if other users use scripts and other tecniques to update remote/local servers (templates, databases) I really apreciates sugestions and samples. Thanks axel