Thursday 24 April 2003 4:53:00 am
MySQL Query Error: LOCK TABLES eZSession_SessionVariable WRITE
Error number:1044 Error message: Access denied for user: user@host' to database 'ez_database' This error keeps popping up once and awhile on eZ sites (2.x). It runs a MySQL 4.0.x server and has the following rights: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER. Max connections, updates and queries are set to unlimited. Any tips for what could be wrong? Is it a problem in eZ publish somewhere? I have no other users (ex. runnings PhpBB or other applications) with this type of error (Access denied that is). --- Later i observed that this was the 3.x section. Forgive me for posting this message in the wrong forum. Still any possibilites to solve the problem? ---
Jan Aril Sigvartsen WebDeal AS