latest 3 news on each site

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grinsekatze grinsekatze

Friday 29 July 2005 12:03:11 am


i have a question:
is it possible to show the latest 3 news on each site of the homepage?
On the left side should be the content of the site like company informations or product etc. and in a box on the right side should be the topics of the latest 3 news, when i klick on more the whole news are shown. I made a new content folder with the news articles, but how can i show the information from folder news nodeID xy on each side???
i hope somebody can help me :)

Arran Price

Tuesday 02 August 2005 4:38:42 pm

I think want you want is to use a fetch statement (look for fetch in the documentation - there are numerous examples).

You need to edit your templates to get the box on the right side, then in that box do a fetch using published time in order to get the last 3 items published. Then show the line view of those news items so that when you click on them, you will get the full view.


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