Wednesday 17 January 2007 1:20:19 pm
<b>@Marvix</b> Once again, you have made us all express empathy (a good thing) to any one of the participants of this thread (including the physical memory this thread resides in all the time ..) If you were to follow the development of most of the alternate content editors before the free software (gnu gpl) release of the ezdhtml extension also known as the online editor by eZ systems; you would notice that most developers fairly promptly halted development of their own solutions to this non-free problem at the time. Now, most of the alternate content editors were stub, bare, basic and specifically compatible with a specific version of eZ publish as well as specific configuration. Most were not maintained as well as most would hope and by now most i'm certain are in need of some work to be used today. Save a large respect for STEVO + and his editor. In the end the people who do continue to use editors other than ezdhtml are the very same ones (prolly) not looking to have any support obligations to anyone other than their own. Notice the complete trend to non-response in a thread, please it's a pattern that is almost predictable in reflection. While it's understandable for someone to talk in some manner of intelligent detail on a subject, <i>even if they are alone in a thread for a time</i>!... it's just folly on your part for you (as you participate in the forum now) to expect intelligent dialog with anyone in the this forum and your responses when you do not (ever I might add in frustration) reach the answer you solely expect your ... just blandly rude an kinda pushy.
It's all I see out of the scribbles you say in a thread, <i>[]=308&SearchPageLimit=5</i> If you want to make this solution compatible and contribute the resulting improvements back to the community, go for it on your own. Otherwise ... the answer to this thread is an obvious no, or a more pointed 'plleease! no.' ...
//kracker the*kracker - ep intro - <i>this is not a warning, it's a friendly reminder</i>
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