Thursday 25 February 2010 2:29:28 pm
Hi Vins,
As Robin suggested the eZ publish book is a very good start. Anyway here's the quick and dirty way: 1) Create a design/yourdesign directory containing the (images, stylesheets, javascript, templates, override) subdirs.
2) Edit the settings/siteaccess/yoursiteaccess/site.ini.append.php
In the section [DesignSettings] write your design dir:
AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=standard AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=ezwebin 3) Go to the admin interface > Quick settings (right side) and enable Debug output, Tempate debug, Inline template debug. Clear the cache. 4) Go to your site, refresh if necessary. You can see the paths of all the templates used to create your web page. 5) Copy those templates into your design directory keeping the exact directory structure and naming. You don't need to copy templates with 'datatype' in their path. Copy also the respective css files into your design/stylesheets dir. 6) Edit the copied templates in yourdesign dir starting from the pagelayout.tpl which is the "wrapper" template. Clear all the divs that you don't need, leaving the template code intact. Edit your css styles to reflect your template changes. Place your images into yourdesign/images dir. 7) Clear the cache and test your new design! Happy learning!
Web Development