Friday 05 November 2004 2:30:29 am
We've run eZ publish since 3.0 and have had a lot of problems with the versions from 3.0 and up to 3.4.1. eZ publish is very complex. Compared to other CMS, the number og sql-queries running to list, create, update and delete content are huge in eZ publish. From 3.4.1-> some of the most heavy and not very well optimized queries have been changed and the performance are now much better. Indexing in versions from 3.4 is not beeing updated anymore when content is published, so the speed of publishing has increased too(and this will no longer make the frontend hang), but there are still some cachingproblems which can give a little headache (the ez team are working on this). If you turn on debug, you'll see the number of queries running. I think this can be a good start to check out, also to see how this system is designed and works. can do a search in google and check out other systems running eZ publish and test the speed of these sites. It's important to read the recommandations at about what hardware you need, because if you have a lot of content and traffic, then you should have pretty good hardware too. I've seen a lot of eZ publish sites which run the CMS on too weak hardware, and they are slooow. So, I recommend very good hardware, install ez publish version 3.4.2-> and you can do some testing to check if it fit your needs.