Monday 31 October 2005 1:03:33 pm
I was wrong and you need to know it. Anyone who spends more than 3-12 months around Jonathan (Whatever his last name is this year) will realize that no one should let him in their life at any capacity, on any terms, at all. Jonathan / FireBright is a hosting services that will never come out of the closet.... Jonathan / FireBright is a pariah in any community (in person, software communities, eZ publish, Drupal, etc). Jonathan will build up a person with compliments only so their insults will hurt all the more. Sadly only the people who do trust him with their data, hosting or meet him in person for extended periods of time will begin to see how he manipulates people to _his_ advantage. without thought or pause to his affect on the victim...I mean customer. Watch them try to put a new spin or excuse on the why, but you can't escape the nature of their presence on the eZ publish community, take a look at what they contribute.... Google in depth about FireBright, watch Jonathan post online simply to increase his name / business name's Search Rank Placement with pointless posts to old topics. Sad part about these kinds of people is that it takes people who will stand up and go public with their experiences to oust these types of people for what they really are; from seeming to be upstanding regular people on the surface and warning others about the inherent dangers of these kinds of people in any situation. See: Pariah in the community, Parasitism, Social Parasite, Predator, adnausium... In short, Social parasite is a derogatory term denoting a member detrimental to the rest of society by taking advantage of it. In some cases the term is related to specific notions. My sincere apologies go out to anyone who has ever been a customer of FireBright or is considering having anything to do with FireBright. Talk to advanced users who have hosted with them, they will tell you about the `pages` of problems associated with using them, poor support, don't answerer or return phone calls, you can trust FireBright to take your money but that's about it.
//kracker this isn't about me, i'm already dead
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