Tuesday 27 July 2004 1:23:40 am
The short answer is no! Even if the identifiers are the same, ez sees them as two completely different attributes. (They've got their own attribute-id). When you define filter you either use the attribute-id or specifies which class you use (article/date). As far as I know it NOT possible to write
fetch(content, list, ....,
My advice is to always do a class_filter when you're doing a attribute_filter.
A tip could be to do one fetch for articles and one for interviews, and afterwards combine the two arrays into one usin append. http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation/reference/template_operators/arrays/append The problem with this metod is that it is hard to do a proper sort across the classes.
By the way: There is one advantage by giving your attribute the same identifiers: You can reuse template-code. Roy